Wednesday, January 31, 2018

February Trip Letter @ St. Apollinaris School

JANUARY 31, 2018

Dear Friends,
I know it’s only been three months, but I will be heading out for a couple of weeks to visit my family in Michigan. I figure if I don’t do it now, I won’t be able to visit until the summer. This way, I got to be at the School Gala  and I will be back in time for Ash Wednesday. Can I tell you a bit about Michigan? If you use your imagination, it looks like a mitten. Which is sort of appropriate, since theweather forecast says the temperature  will be below freezing! The part of Michigan above the mitten is called the Upper Peninsula, or the U.P. for short. The people who live there are called Yoopers. While the people in the mitten part are called Trolls  since we live under the bridge that connects  the two peninsulas. My parents live on the  Saint Clair River, which right now is full of ice. Canada is  right across the river. The Saint Clair River is part of the  St. Lawrence Seaway that flows from the Atlantic Ocean all the way to Chicago. Maybe you can trace it on a map. Michigan is surrounded by 4 of the 5 Great Lakes. Do you know the names of all 5 of the Great Lakes? Study hard and be good while I’m away. I’ll see you soon!
—Fr. David