Video interview on Living Exponentially with Eileen Tesch.
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Solemnity of Jesus Christ King of the Universe @ Ss. Francis and Clare, Birch Run, MI
There is a current among historians that on several occasions have asked the question:
What if George Washington had been the first King of America, instead of the first President?
Recently, an online researcher from Ancestry dot Com took the challenge, and began the process of attempting to trace the would-be royal lineage back over two centuries.
It’s not easy being king.
And it’s also not too easy to figure out just who would be king.
Royal succession is in itself difficult to determine because of the variations that exist in passing on the crown. For example, does the throne go only to male successors? Or in an enlightened society, should women be included in the royal succession? Is this mythical monarchy a patrilineal – only through the father’s side, or is it bilineal?
Add to that what is probably the most apparent difficulty – namely, that George and Martha Washington had no children.
Tracing the line back through every possible family permutation yielded various claimants to the throne over the last two centuries who would have been the kings: Lee, Bushrod, and Spotswood. Not to mention the queens: Estella, Odelle, and Brynda.
After much time and research, the most likely royal successor was finally determined to be Paul Emery Washington. He was born in Texas in 1927, served in the US Navy, and worked until his retirement for a supply company – which interestingly was based out of Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. During his retirement he volunteered at San Antonio Zoo, and was active in the community.
But since that article was written, I have some sad news: His Royal Highness, Paul I, has gone on to his eternal reward. And so, it would seem, the hypothetical throne of America is once again up for grabs.
Today we celebrate the last Sunday of Ordinary Time, known as The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. The feast was originally put forth by Pope Pius XI in 1925 in response to growing secularism and nationalism after the First World War.
And while the Scripture readings may lead our minds to the eschaton – that is, the end of time – the emphasis of this feast day is on the here- and-now. Writing in 1925, the pope stated that for all of us, Jesus Christ must reign in our minds ... in our wills ... in our hearts ... and in our bodies.
Christ’s reign is not some distant event ... rather, we must work to make it a reality every day by our own willingness to allow Him into our lives.
As we approach this altar to receive the Sacred Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ ... let us pray for a deeper openness to God’s grace ... so that we might truly allow Christ to be *our* King.
May we surrender ourselves totally to His reign ... so that His kingdom may come ... on earth ... as in heaven ... through us living out our lives ... every day ... for Jesus Christ ... in all that we say and do.
Saturday, November 11, 2023
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time @ Ss. Francis and Clare, Birch Run, MI
Howard William Osterkamp from Dent, Ohio served for nine months of his two-years of service on the 38th parallel in Korea with C Company, 5th Regimental Combat Team.About half-way through those nine months, he was wounded in the leg with schrapnel, and suffered two breaks in his leg, but this was misdiagnosed by Army doctors, and he was returned to the front lines for four more months.
Osterkamp is credited with originating the phrase: “All gave some; some gave all.”
This weekend we celebrate Veteran’s Day – which originated as Armistice Day 105 years ago at the end of the First World War – commemorating the signing of the armistice at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.
That day is also the memorial of St. Martin of Tours, who originally was a military man from a military family, and lived in the fourth century.
Pious legend tells us that Martin, seeing a poor beggar in the cold, took his sword and cut his own military cloak in half – sharing it with the shivering man. That night he had a dream where Christ appeared and repeated that well-known phrase from the Gospels “what you did for this the least of my brethren, you did for me.” And upon waking up, Martin saw that his cloak was no longer half, but restored to 100%.
This led to his conversion, and eventually becoming a bishop in France.
Interestingly, the word “chapel” come from the French word for cloak or cape … and refer to the small buildings in villages where St. Martin’s cloak would be displayed for prayer; and to the clergy, the “chaplains” who attended to the cloak as it travelled from place to place.
We remember 19 people who died over the past year, ranging in age from a few weeks to over 100 years old.
As Jesus says at the end of today’s Gospel: “you know neither the day nor the hour.”
During the month of November, the Church calls us to reflect on our own mortality by remembering in prayer those who have gone before us. Indeed, “the souls of the just are in the hands of God,” and that, too, should include us.
When we pray for the souls of the Faithful Departed, we do a good and just thing, knowing that when our day or hour should come, we can count on our family and friends to remember us in prayer when we have gone on to the Lord.
As we approach this altar to receive the Sacred Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ; let us place within His hands the souls of all the faithful departed … those from the past year, and every year. And in honor of Veteran’s Day, let us remember those who died in service to our great nation as well.
Eternal rest …
Saturday, July 22, 2023
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time @ Ss. Francis and Clare, Birch Run, MI
Luca Signorelli, born Luca d'Egidio di Ventura in 1441 in Cortona, Italy; was an artist of the Tuscan school, although he spent most of his time in Rome and Umbria.
It was in Orvieto that he produced his life’s masterpiece: five frescoes depicting events from the Apocalypse in the chapel of the Madonna of San Brizio in the Cathedral or Duomo of that city.
Beginning with “The Preaching of the Antichrist,” the series proceeds through “The End of the World,” “The Resurrection of the Flesh,” “The Damned in Hell,” and “The Elect in Paradise.” All of these surrounding the existing art on the lower walls done 50 years before by Fra Angelico – “Christ in Judgment,” and “Angels and Prophets.”
In the first of Signorelli frescoes, “The Preaching of the Antichrist,” we see what at first might appear to be Christ preaching to the crowds. The resemblance ends upon closer examination, as this false Christ has horns; and receives his message from Satan, who is whispering into his ear and controlling him like a puppet.
In the fresco, the Antichrist displays wonders and miracles, but he is surrounded by corruption and wealth, massacres and iniquities, horrors and chaos.
Signorelli died in 1523, 500 years ago this October.
A major exhibition of his works began a month ago in his hometown of Cortona, and will continue for the next 3 months.
Today is the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
The brief four verses we heard from the Book of Wisdom are a brief profession of faith, rooted in the Old Testament, but speaking of righteousness – or what I prefer to translate as “right relationship” – the proper state of humanity in harmony with God.
The God of Israel is unique. Not only is He “one,” but He is the “one” creator of all. He is “all powerful,” and despite that power, He is good, moral, and just. God is full of kindness, mercy, and forgiveness. All unique qualities in a pagan world with many, fickle, capricious gods.
In the two verses from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans, we hear how the Spirit accompanies us through the difficulties and trials of this world, assisting us through Supernatural Grace, to live according to the most Holy Will of God. The Supernatural Grace through Baptism, and all the Sacraments, especially the most Holy Eucharist.
The Gospel, on the other hand, presents three parables of Christ – or perhaps three similes is a better term – Our Lord attempting to give us a glimpse into just what is the Kingdom of God.
Only one explanation is given, for the first parable.
The Kingdom of God is like wheat and the tares growing together, not because they are equal or identical, but because they will be separated at the harvest.
Tares are known as the darnel, lolium temulentum, which initially appears identical to wheat, and even the grains appear similar. But darnel flour is poisonous and imparts a bitterness if it is accidentally used in cooking.
Because of this similarity, it is difficult to separate the two.
The world is filled with many contradictory voices, some which confuse or conflate, and others which are outright noxious and dangerous to the soul. Some parts of these messages may appear similar to the Gospel, but fall short of the fullness of the Gospel.
In this world, it may be easy to put on pious externals with a wicked heart. We may not notice the difference, but God can separate the elect from the damned … and He will.
A friend and seminary professor of mine would often remind us: “half of the truth is not the truth.” And in a similar way, half of the Gospel is not the Gospel.
Jesus Christ has told us that He is “the Way, and the Truth, and the Life,” and we must ensure that in following Him, we allow Him to be “our Way, our Truth, and our Life.”
As we approach this altar to receive the Sacred Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, let us make a firm stand for Christ and Christ alone. Let us reject what is not of God, and embrace Jesus Christ as our Way, our Truth, and our Life. And let us then go forward through, with, and in Christ Jesus; that we may follow Him, and Him alone.
Saturday, June 17, 2023
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time @ Ss. Francis and Clare, Birch Run, MI
This weekend we celebrate Father’s Day. Happy Father’s day to all ...
My own Dad handed on to myself and my siblings a love of reading – by taking us to the Public Library on weekends to check out books; an ability to work on … and sometimes fix … things – by teaching us to work with tools; to problem solve by teasing us with riddles and puzzles; to work hard – by his own example of hard work; and above all to love and to forgive – because we weren’t always the best of kids … or maybe that was just me.
Dr. Scott Hahn, a rather well-known theologian … in a talk on the Lord’s Prayer – the “Our Father” – makes the observation that we do not call God “Father” because He is _like_ a Father. Rather, Dr. Hahn says that in the truest sense “Father” is “God's name, His personal identity, [since] God is Father eternally.”
The rest of us – those who are male parents or those who bear the professional title of “Father” – we are the ones who are _like_ a father … _like_ our Heavenly Father – namely, God.
And so, based on my life experience, and seeing God’s Fatherhood reflected in my own Dad, has shown me that God reveals what things are … by teaching us, challenging us, guiding us … as the old Catechism’s said: “to serve Him in this world and to be Eternally happy with Him in the next.”
God sent His Only-Begotten Son to show us how to live … and not just live, but how to “live hard.” And of course in God’s eternal plan, he also shows us how to love and how to forgive; how to be merciful and how to reconcile.
Today is the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time.In the Gospel we hear the call of the Apostles. The word Apostle comes from the Greek word meaning an emissary or an ambassador. It literally means “one who is sent,” and as God the Father sent Jesus into the world to redeem the world … to redeem and save us; Jesus sends the Apostles as emissaries of “the Good News,” the Gospel of Salvation.
And in this passage, we are told the names of the Twelve Apostles … Simon, meaning “listen;” Andrew, meaning “strong;” James, meaning “to follow closely;” John, meaning “gracious;” Philip, meaning “warrior;” Bartholomew, meaning “farmer;” Thomas, meaning “twin;” Matthew, meaning “gift of God;” Thaddeus, meaning “from the heart;” and Judas, meaning “praise.”
Jesus calls them _by name_ … not by title, not by function.In the Garden of Eden, God asked the man to name what He had created. But only we – individual humans, are made in the image and likeness of God – only we have proper names, eternal souls, and inherent dignity.
Each and every one of us is called by name, called by God, through our own Baptism, to be “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own …”
This means that we are to worship God, love one another, and to use the things of this world to build the Kingdom of God and spread the Gospel. But we must be careful not turn this around, and end up worshipping things, using one another, and leaving God completely out of our lives.
Jesus Christ calls us to follow Him (closely), to listen (and hear and obey), to be strong (when we are helpless), to be gracious (and merciful), to receive His gifts, to work in the world, to battle the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil; and to praise (and worship) Him and Him alone, from the (depths of the) heart.
And then He sends us, as His emissaries … to live out the Gospel in our lives … by what we say and what we do. Every day of our lives.
As we approach this altar to receive the Most Holy Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ – may we hear God’s voice, through His Son Jesus Christ, calling us to follow Him … He who is our Way, our Truth, and our Life.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Wednesday of the 5th Week of Easter @ St. Elizabeth Seton School, Golden Gate, FL
This morning we heard Jesus tell us that He is the Vine and that we need to remain in Him, stay connected to Him, and to be part of Him. We do this by being part of the Church. And on Sundays and on Solemnities, we hear these four words in the Creed: ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, and APOSTOLIC.
We are ONE because we are connected to Christ as the Vine. We aren't all tall or short, old or young, dark or light, skinny or fat. We are unique, but we are all part of the Church and we are all part of Christ. God is one, Christ is one, and the Church is one.
We are HOLY not because of anything we do, but because God shares His Grace through Christ in the Power of the Holy Spirit. If we disconnect from Jesus, we unplug that power for holiness. And we are called to be holy as God is holy. God is Truth, God speaks the Truth, and God's thoughts are True. When we think, act, and speak the truth in Christ, we show forth God's holiness in our lives.
We are CATHOLIC, not just because it's the name on the sign out front. We are Catholic because we are universal. We allow all sorts of people into the Church, and we seek out a diversity of people; because all are called to be saved in Christ Jesus.
Finally, we are APOSTOLIC. First, because we can trace our faith to the Apostles, but also because the Greek word apostello means to be sent. And we, too, are sent out to spread the Gospel by what we say, think, and do.
So, let us remain in Christ by remaining in His Church: ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, and APOSTOLIC. Because, like we heard in John 15:5, "without [Jesus] we can do nothing." The converse of which is: with Jesus, we can do everything. So let us do everything today through, with, and in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Saturday, February 18, 2023
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time @ Ss. Francis and Clare
The first federal courthouse in Detroit was built in 1896 on Lafayette Street. The original cost of that building was roughly $1,000,000.
By the early 1930s, the federal courts had outgrown the original 19th century building, which was targeted for demolition, to be replaced by a newer, larger building.
Enter Chief Judge Arthur J. Tuttle, dubbed “The Judge who would not budge.” Tuttle refused to approve the destruction of the first building and the subsequent construction of the new building – unless that particular courtroom was preserved.That room consisted of an elaborately carved judge’s bench made of East Indian mahogany; and flanked by two 12-foot columns made of white marble with pink marble bases; each capped with four lions holding up a globe. Around the room are symbols from Greek mythology and Biblical themes … all related to the administration of justice and the law.
By the 1930s, the value of the marble alone exceeded $1,000,000. Leading the press to refer to it as “The Million Dollar Courtroom.”
It currently sits atop the Theodore Levin courthouse, as rooms 732, 733, and 734; reserved for the chief judge of that federal court.
Today is the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Both the Gospel reading from St. Matthew and the first reading from Leviticus address the second half of the Ten Commandments – which address the laws on interactions with others.
The Gospel is a continuation of last Sunday’s, where Jesus states the Commandment, but then raises the bar by changing the idea from one of external observance to one of internal conversion.
St. Paul, in his First Letter to the Corinthians, speaks of our role as being the “Temple of God,” filled with the Spirit of God. As in any building, it is important that we build on a proper foundation, using appropriate materials, following an approved plan, and doing so with proper motives.
For us, as Christians, the Foundation is always Christ and the Gospel. The materials are Scripture and Tradition. The plan is God’s will. And the motive is for the Greater Glory of God.
The overall goal can be found in the Greek word, DIKAIOSYNE. A word often translated as justice or righteousness; but which has a broader and deeper meaning that perhaps is best translated as “right relationship.” Meaning our relationship with God and with one another.
On Wednesday, we will begin the Season of Holy Lent. The time where we take 40 days to repent, renew, and rebuild our hearts, our minds, and our lives.
Now, we are asked to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday; and abstain from meat on the Fridays of Lent. Sounds easy on paper, but is not always easy in practice.
Traditionally Lent is marked by Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving.
I would encourage you to consider attending weekday Mass.
Stations of the Cross will be prayed immediately following the Wednesday Mass.
And starting March 1 (here) we will have Wednesday evening soup suppers and talks rotating among our church the other Christian denominations in Birch Run, Burt, and Taymouth.
As we approach this altar to receive the Sacred Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ; let us prepare ourselves for Lent. Let us take this coming period of 40 days, and seek to strengthen our relationship with God and with one other. Let us seek reconciliation with those we may be estranged from. And let us build up ourselves and our Church as a majestic temple to the greater glory of God.
Sunday, January 29, 2023
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time @ Ss. Francis and Clare
You’ve got all the money you need. You can’t take it with you. … And what’s it got you? Same kind of mail every morning, same kind of deals, same kind of meetings, same dinners at night, same indigestion. Where does the fun come in? Don’t you think there ought to be something more. … We haven’t got too much time, you know–any of us.
In the second reading, from the First Letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul tells them to consider how the ways of the world are not always in line with God’s ways.
Beatitude is a possession of all things held to be good, from which nothing is absent that a good desire may want.
We need to look at what we have, and what we don’t have … both materially and spiritually. Where are we lacking, and where are we fulfilled.
As we approach this altar to receive the Most Holy Body and Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, may the graces we receive in this Sacrament empower all the other Sacraments we have received … for a deeper outpouring of Faith, Hope, and Love. May these Divine gifts fill us to overflowing, and guide us – ever closer – to union with God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and direct our actions in this world, so that we might be eternally blessed in the next.