Saturday, March 20, 2021

5th Sunday of Lent @ St. Peter Chesaning / St. Cyril Bannister

MARCH  20/21, 2021

Twice, in his campaign speeches – once in 1959 in Indiana, and again in 1960 in Pennsylvania – President John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the US, made reference that 

[in] the Chinese language, the word “crisis” is composed of two characters, one representing danger and the other, opportunity.

He’s wrong.

But, it’s not his fault. Twenty years before, in the overseas missionary magazine The Chinese Recorder, in an article titled The Challenge of Unusual Times, an unidentified author made the observation that

[without] the danger there cannot arise the opportunity. It is very fitting then that in this time of "danger-opportunity" there should go forth a call to a Forward Movement in the Christian Church in China.

This mistake was carried forward a month later, and then repeated over and over, year after year. And even into the present, where in an episode of The Simpsons, Lisa tells Homer that the Chinese use the same word for “crisis” as they do for “opportunity.” Leading Homer to coin the neologism, “crisi-tunity.”

It’s not Lisa’s fault, either … but she’s wrong, too.

And, while it may be good advice – that is, to look for the good possibilities underlying a bad situation – it isn’t a linguistic factor in the Chinese language.

Today is the 5th Sunday of Lent.

In the Gospel, we hear several rapidly shifting scenes – from Greeks looking for Jesus, to three sayings of Jesus and further reflection relating to His Passion, and the voice of God the Father booming from heaven in confirmation.

In the final words of this particular section of John chapter 12, Jesus says:

Now is the time of judgment on this world.

There is a single Greek word in the original, which is translated here as “time of judgment.” That word is κρίσις (kree-sees) – the word where we get the English word “crisis.”

The Greek word has a slightly deeper meaning, implying a cut-off point … or a separation … a decision between right and wrong, good or bad, justice or injustice.

This can be reflected back to the second reading from Hebrews chapter 5, where the entire section is a comparison of the Old Testament priesthood and the new priesthood of Jesus Christ … who it is argued had a superior title, ordination, sympathy, and sacrifice.

Which is all foreshadowed by the passage from Jeremiah chapter 31, which speaks of a new … and arguably better … covenant between God and His holy people, where God’s law and God’s will would be found inside, not outside of peoples’ hearts.

Every choice we make for good or for ill … stems from a “κρίσις” a time of decision. Scripture reminds us over and over to choose God … choose the good … choose life – eternal life.

We are coming up on Holy Week in just seven days. We’ve made it this far in Lent 2021. We've been admonished toward increased prayer, fasting, and almsgiving … to deepen our walk with Christ and our relationship with the Almighty. 

Many choices … many opportunities … many κρίσις-es. 

Now is the “time of judgment” … the time to dig a little deeper … the “Christ-itunity” to sprint toward the finish line.

As we approach this altar to receive the Sacred Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ; let us pray that we may take full advantage of what is laid before us. And in making our choice for God in Christ, may we know His mercy and love, as well as His power and grace in our daily lives.