APRIL 16, 2017
Opposite Day is an unofficial holiday where every action is modified so that its meaning is negated. It is usually observed as a children’s game, but rarely lasts an entire day. Once Opposite Day is declared, statements mean the opposite of what they usually mean.
Opposite Day may also be declared retroactively to indicate that what was just asserted will have the opposite meaning of what was originally intended. Awkwardly, the mere declaration that it is opposite day would be negated, implying that by stating that is is – it would indeed not be opposite day.
Today is Easter Sunday, and Christ is Risen! Indeed He is risen from the dead.
In a sense today might be seen as an opposite day of an eternal and spiritual sort. God's opposite day!
For our sakes, the Son of God became a son of man; the Lord took the form of a slave; He who dwells in the highest heavens came down to earth, and in dying descended under the earth.
Where our first parents betrayed God in a garden at the prompting of Satan, Christ was knowingly betrayed in a garden in order to defeat the plan of Satan.
Where our first parents sinned by stretching out their hands to eat the fruit of a tree, Christ willingly stretched out His arms to be nailed to a tree to conquer sin; and died to vanquish death.
That first tree was a mere symbol of life, now He who is the author of life has died on a tree to restore us to eternal life.
We who were made from the dust of the earth are now welcomed into the kingdom of heaven.
What was broken is now restored. We who were sold into the slavery of sin are now bought back – redeemed – to be made sons and daughters of God most high.
Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen from the dead! He is risen as He said.
Alleluia! Let us celebrate the Feast of victory! The Feast of our salvation!