APRIL 26, 2017
The Gospel was from the Emmaus encounter. And how they recognized Jesus when he "took," "blessed," "broke," and "gave" them bread at the table.
We can recognize Jesus in our own lives when we realize we are "taken" up in Christ (or "chosen" by God,) when we are "blessed" or become a blessing for others Latin for blessing is benediction = bene (good) + diction (words). When we say and hear good words we are blessed and become a blessing to others. We are all broken, but not in the same ways. When we acknowledge our brokenness, we recognize that others have strengths that support our weaknesses, and that our strengths can support their weaknesses. Finally, we are not made for ourselves, but for others. This means we are given to one another, and need to make a gift of ourselves to each other and the world.
For a more thorough treatment of this, see: Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World, by Henri Nouwen.