APRIL 8-9, 2017
The Stations of the Cross originated as part of pilgrimages to Jerusalem, in an effort to walk the Via Dolorosa, or the Way of Sorrow. That is also the name of a street located in the Old City of Jerusalem and it is believed to be the path that Jesus walked on His way to Calvary.
It begins at the Antonia Fortress, and ends – now, at least – at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. It covers a distance of 600 meters – just under 2,000 feet, or about 3/8ths of a mile.
The Way of the Cross, in its present form is 14 scenes which occurred along the way to Calvary and has existed since the 17th century. This particular devotion was brought from the Holy Land by Franciscan friars.
The version of the Stations that we pray here at St. Apollinaris repeats a certain phrase throughout.
This is for me.Said, over and over again:
This. Is. For. Me.Too often we can get caught up in a “cause and effect” perception of Our Lord’s Passion. The theological term is “Atonement.”And, indeed, Jesus has paid the price of our sins … or rather, the price of _my_ sins. But that comes across sounding heavily juridical – as if it is a fine imposed by a court for a criminal offense.
Yet in the text of the stations we pray throughout Lent, we hear other – different – words:
consolation, love, mercy, freedom, surrender, gratitude, strength, thanksgiving, wonder, awe, solidarity, compassion, wholeness.
THIS. IS. FOR. ME.As we enter onto our final journey within Lent 2017 … as we commence Holy Week … let us pray for the Grace to recognize … and realize more fully … that “Jesus did this for me.”
May we embrace our crosses daily. And follow Him. Wherever that may lead.
Photos from Palm Sunday at St. Apollinaris, Napa, CA